
Travel Inspiration

Trying to plan a trip?

Wondering where to go?  Here are some great travel books that I love to search through to help me plan a new trip.  If you’re anything like me you’ll start off with one idea and then by the time you’ve researched and discovered loads of places you’re dying to explore, the trip idea you had in your head, to begin with, has completely changed.  Check out these books to help you create your next amazing trip!

Lonely Planet

They do loads of pocketbooks on destinations which hold a lot of essential information on that destination plus they are very easy to carry around.  Their pocket guides have saved me quite a few times when I’ve been in a country trying to get around. I find them very honest and they contain loads of information on the best things to see.

However, first, you need to find where your next destination is going to be!  So, to help me I invested in some great books by Lonely Planet.

  1. Where to go When

This one lists the months of the year and tells you the places that are best to go during these months, what you can expect to see when there, events that might be happening and most importantly, the weather you can expect.

  1. Top 500 Places to Go

This one has the top 500 places to see around the world.  They are in order of where has received the most votes.  It gives you some great ideas of things to go and see, information on the place and how is best to get to see these places.  It is also very satisfying going through the book and being able to say you’ve been to the top voted favourite place to see and just makes you realise how many amazing things you have already had the pleasure of seeing!

I would recommend checking these great reads out! Lots of pictures to show the places as well!

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