
Backpack or Suitcase?

How many times have I heard this question?  

When I was getting ready to go to Australia for a couple of months I spent ages debating whether to take a backpack or a suitcase.  I spoke to many different people and received so many mixed opinions. Needless to say, it was so confusing!  In the end, I decided to go for a backpack and I regretted it! Mostly this was because I packed far too much unnecessary stuff.

Obviously, a lot of this decision will come down to the type of trip you are doing.  For instance, if you’re camping and have a lot of gear to fit into your car/camper then a backpack is much easier to “squash” in.  Of course, if you are trekking up a mountain and need to take all of your luggage, I 100% would not recommend a suitcase!  But if you’re on a trip where someone will be loading your luggage on a coach or you’re just staying in the same place, then a suitcase is much more appropriate.

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Here are a few points that apply in all arguments:

  1. If you don’t pack light – DON’T take a backpack – it will kill your back! This was my major downfall.  Wherever I go no matter how long for I would always overpack and take way too much stuff.  So when I was changing hotels almost every day lugging a backpack around was a nightmare.  It hurt my arms just to carry it and it killed my back I could only walk a few steps before I needed to put it down.  I spent most of my time dragging it everywhere and ruining the bottom of it. (I now have found ways to resolve my ‘overpacking’ issues and luggage is much more stress-free)
  2. If you’re not packing much and moving around a lot – a backpack would probably be a good idea.  It will be easy to carry especially if your hotel room is only accessible by stairs.
  3. Ease of getting into your backpack – the backpack I chose opened up like a suitcase which was great.  It meant I didn’t have to struggle to get the things at the bottom or even in the middle.  Definitely consider this when you are choosing a backpack.  Many people get annoyed at having to unpack and re-pack their backpacks!

At the end of the day, it all depends on your preferences and what would work for you.  Don’t go for what everyone else is doing just to fit in or because you think that’s what you should do. Do what’s best for you.  Don’t ruin your amazing trip because you are worried about the next time you need to handle your luggage.

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